In 29 days I will be leaving America for the first time.. If you know me, you know that if there's one thing I want to do before I die, it's travel the world. There is something that makes me feel so alive when I travel. Getting put in a setting your not used to and taking in all that's around you is thrilling. It's mind blowing how many beautiful places are out there... you can even find some beautiful people along the way. ;)
I'm definitely a city girl! There's no doubt about it! I love EVERYTHING about the city- the busyness of it all, the streets, unique architecture of the buildings, the variety of delicious food, and of course the shopping! I could go on but I think I'll stop there for now. Anyway, I'll be going to England, France, and Spain. I will be there 15 days. I've never been on an airplane before, so I'm most nervous about that. It's a 12 hour flight from DC to London. I'm also nervous about that.. How will I wash my face? Who am I going to have to sit beside? How am I going to sleep? I REALLY want a window seat! Of course I want to take a picture of the city lights from the sky at night..
Here's a few places we are going.
Loire Valley
Saintes& Bordeaux
Arcachon& Biarritz

Beautiful, right? I'm blessed.
Sooo. I figured I might as well write a post to maybe get some advice/recommendations/tips, etc. Anything will help! This is a trip with EF Tours, so things are already planned but I'm hoping (please God) we'll have free time.
If you have ever been to one of these cities let me know about your experience.. or if you have ever taken a trip with EF Tours.
I was hoping to find some sandals like this:

If you know where I could these, or similar, please let me know!
Now for the specific questions:
What type or size carry on should I take?
Do you take any sleeping medications on planes, if so what kind?
What are some shopping/eating that you recommend if I get free time?
Must do/try things?
What should I wear/ be sure to take?
Travel lifesavers?
What do I need to do to use my cell phone & internet?
Tips for relaxing & enjoying myself?!?!
Of course, I have already researched a ton about everything, but I want to hear your opinions & experiences! I know that England & France can be very chilly & rainy, and Spain is hot..
Recommendations on what to wear? In the churches we have to cover our shoulders, and wear pants down to our knees to be respectful.... How many pairs of shorts should I pack then?
I still have so much to get, its crazy..
Maybe I will do update posts for further questions & preparation!
Your opinions & tips are greatly appreciated!